I have been really enjoying the other site reviews that I have completed already. I would like to continue to share my thoughts, two cents, and basic site review on Snitch Blogger. Please note that all reviews are my own, honest opinions that are not paid reviews.
Today we have on up for review The Gagdeteer.
Let’s dig in and really check out what The Gadgeteer the ultimate gadget review site!
The Inside Scoop of The Gadgeteer
First brains behind The Gadgeteer is Julie Strietelmeier and have been around since 1997! This site actually was started back on the glory days of Geocities free community pages. I must admit one thing that I really like is just the domain name the-gadgeteer.com. There is just something about that attracts to that ring of that name.
Also shortly after the site was created it turned into one of the top tech reviews sites in it’s industry. And after just reading a few of the reviews that the gadgeteer has to offer you will quickly see why.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
Overall, the design of The Gadgeteer has a nice flow, sticks with tech categories, and offers some great pictures of each product reviewed. I know for fact the next tech product I am thinking about purchasing I am going to be checking out The Gadgeteer first. Each review is well detailed, documented, and share the complete information that anyone looking to purchase would need.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
Array of reviews
I can really appreciate the vast array of reviews that this site can offer. Everything from toys, gadgets, home, and even sports. One of the best parts if you have a gadget that you want reviews you can send it over to them and they will review it for over at the “we’ll review it” section on the site.
Honestly, this blog is a great way to escape and just get lost in reading about all kinds of gadgets. One of my favorite parts is how unique some of the gadgets continue to be and just enjoy reading through all the reviews, checking out the pictures, and just trying to stay up with all the technology changes.
The only thing that I feel is missing in a social media, interaction, or just another way to connect. I did not see any social media links, no rate this product, or even just way to connect with this site. I find this very strange because one of the biggest factors in me finding this site was through twitter in seeing posts from Julie.
What your thoughts?
Go check out The Gadgeteer and share your thoughts with me on what you found and thought? I almost dare you to find some your favorite gadget that they have not already reviewed. I dare you!
Lastly, if you are interested in having me give a honest review of your site please contact me!